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API Docs - v5.0.4

Tested Siddhi Core version: 5.0.2

It could also support other Siddhi Core minor versions.


find (Function)

Finds the subsequence that matches the given regex pattern.


<BOOL> regex:find(<STRING> regex, <STRING> input.sequence)
<BOOL> regex:find(<STRING> regex, <STRING> input.sequence, <INT> starting.index)


Name Description Default Value Possible Data Types Optional Dynamic
regex A regular expression that is matched to a sequence in order to find the subsequence of the same. For example, \d\d(.*)WSO2. STRING No Yes
input.sequence The input sequence to be matched with the regular expression. For example, 21 products are produced by WSO2. STRING No Yes
starting.index The starting index of the input sequence from where the input sequence ismatched with the given regex pattern.For example, 10. 0 INT Yes Yes

Examples EXAMPLE 1

regex:find('\d\d(.*)WSO2', '21 products are produced by WSO2 currently')

This method attempts to find the subsequence of the input.sequence that matches the regex pattern, \d\d(.*)WSO2. It returns true as a subsequence exists.


regex:find('\d\d(.*)WSO2', '21 products are produced by WSO2.', 4)

This method attempts to find the subsequence of the input.sequence that matches the regex pattern, \d\d(.*)WSO2 starting from index 4. It returns 'false' as subsequence does not exists.

group (Function)

Returns the subsequence captured by the given group during the regex match operation.


<STRING> regex:group(<STRING> regex, <STRING> input.sequence, <INT>


Name Description Default Value Possible Data Types Optional Dynamic
regex A regular expression. For example, \d\d(.*)WSO2. STRING No Yes
input.sequence The input sequence to be matched with the regular expression. For example, 21 products are produced by WSO2. STRING No Yes The given group id of the regex expression. For example, 2. INT No Yes

Examples EXAMPLE 1

regex:group('\d\d(.*)(WSO2.*)(WSO2.*)', '21 products are produced within 10 years by WSO2 currently by WSO2 employees', 3)

Function returns 'WSO2 employees', the subsequence captured by the groupID 3 according to the regex pattern, \d\d(.*)(WSO2.*)(WSO2.*).

lookingAt (Function)

Match the input.sequence from the beginning against the regex pattern, and unlike regex:matches() it does not require that the entire input.sequence be matched.


<BOOL> regex:lookingAt(<STRING> regex, <STRING> input.sequence)


Name Description Default Value Possible Data Types Optional Dynamic
regex A regular expression. For example, \d\d(.*)WSO2. STRING No Yes
input.sequence The input sequence to be matched with the regular expression. For example, 21 products are produced by WSO2. STRING No Yes

Examples EXAMPLE 1

regex:lookingAt('\d\d(.*)(WSO2.*)', '21 products are produced by WSO2 currently in Sri Lanka')

Function matches the input.sequence against the regex pattern, \d\d(.*)(WSO2.*) from the beginning, and as it matches it returns true.


regex:lookingAt('WSO2(.*)middleware(.*)', 'sample test string and WSO2 is situated in trace and it's a middleware company')

Function matches the input.sequence against the regex pattern, WSO2(.*)middleware(.*) from the beginning, and as it does not match it returns false.

matches (Function)

Matches the entire input.sequence against the regex pattern.


<BOOL> regex:matches(<STRING> regex, <STRING> input.sequence)


Name Description Default Value Possible Data Types Optional Dynamic
regex A regular expression. For example, \d\d(.*)WSO2. STRING No Yes
input.sequence The input sequence to be matched with the regular expression. For example, 21 products are produced by WSO2. STRING No Yes

Examples EXAMPLE 1

regex:matches('WSO2(.*)middleware(.*)', 'WSO2 is situated in trace and its a middleware company')

Function matches the entire input.sequence against WSO2(.*)middleware(.*) regex pattern, and as it matches it returns true.


regex:matches('WSO2(.*)middleware', 'WSO2 is situated in trace and its a middleware company')

Function matches the entire input.sequence against WSO2(.*)middleware regex pattern. As it does not match it returns false.