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Siddhi Execution Unit Conversion

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The siddhi-execution-unitconversion extension is a Siddhi extension that provides basic unit conversions such as length, mass, time and volume.

For information on Siddhi and it's features refer Siddhi Documentation.


  • Versions 2.x and above with group id io.siddhi.extension.* from here.
  • Versions 1.x and lower with group id org.wso2.extension.siddhi.* from here.

Latest API Docs

Latest API Docs is 2.0.1.


  • MmTokm (Function)

    Function converts the input given in megameters into kilometers.

  • cmToft (Function)

    Function converts the input given in centimeters to feet.

  • cmToin (Function)

    Function converts the input given in centimeters into inches.

  • cmTokm (Function)

    Function converts the input value given in centimeters into kilometers.

  • cmTom (Function)

    Function converts the input given in centimeters into meters.

  • cmTomi (Function)

    Function converts the input given in centimeters into miles.

  • cmTomm (Function)

    Function converts the input given in centimeters into millimeters.

  • cmTonm (Function)

    Function converts the input given in centimeters into nanometers.

  • cmToum (Function)

    Function converts the input in centimeters into micrometers.

  • cmToyd (Function)

    Function converts the input given in centimeters into yards.

  • dToh (Function)

    Function converts the input given in days into hours.

  • gTokg (Function)

    Function converts the input given in grams into kilograms.

  • gTomg (Function)

    Function converts the input given in grams into milligrams.

  • gToug (Function)

    Function converts the input given in grams into micrograms.

  • hTom (Function)

    Function converts the input given in hours into minutes.

  • hTos (Function)

    Function converts the input given in hours into seconds.

  • kgToLT (Function)

    Function converts the input given in kilograms into imperial tons.

  • kgToST (Function)

    Function converts the input given in kilograms into US tons.

  • kgTog (Function)

    Function converts the input given in kilograms into grams.

  • kgTolb (Function)

    Function converts the input given in kilograms into pounds.

  • kgTooz (Function)

    Function converts the input given in kilograms into ounces.

  • kgTost (Function)

    Function converts the input given in kilograms into imperial stones.

  • kgTot (Function)

    Function converts the input given in kilograms into tonnes.

  • kmTocm (Function)

    Function converts the input given in kilometers into centimeters.

  • kmToft (Function)

    Function converts the input given in kilometers into foot.

  • kmToin (Function)

    Function converts the input given in kilometers into inches.

  • kmTom (Function)

    Function converts the input given in kilometers into meters.

  • kmTomi (Function)

    Function converts the input given in kilometers into miles.

  • kmTomm (Function)

    Function converts the input given in kilometers into millimeters.

  • kmTonm (Function)

    Function converts the input given in kilometers into nanometers.

  • kmToum (Function)

    Function converts the input given in kilometers into micrometers.

  • kmToyd (Function)

    Function converts the input given in kilometers into yards.

  • lTom3 (Function)

    Function converts the input given in liters into cubic meters.

  • lToml (Function)

    Function converts the input given in liters into milliliters.

  • m3Tol (Function)

    Function converts the input given in cubic meters into liters.

  • mTocm (Function)

    Function converts the input given in meters into centimeters.

  • mToft (Function)

    Function converts the input given in meters into foot.

  • mTomm (Function)

    Function converts the input given in meters into millimeters.

  • mTos (Function)

    Function converts the input given in minutes into seconds.

  • mToyd (Function)

    Function converts the input given in meters into yards.

  • miTokm (Function)

    Function converts the input given in miles into kilometers.

  • mlTol (Function)

    Function converts the input given in milliliters into liters.

  • sToms (Function)

    Function converts the input given in seconds into milliseconds.

  • sTons (Function)

    Function converts the input given in seconds into nanoseconds.

  • sTous (Function)

    Function converts the input given in seconds into microseconds.

  • tTog (Function)

    Function converts the input given in tonnes into grams.

  • tTokg (Function)

    Function converts the input given in tonnes into kilograms.

  • yTod (Function)

    Function converts the given input in years into days.


There are no other dependencies needed for this extension.


For installing this extension on various siddhi execution environments refer Siddhi documentation section on adding extensions.

Support and Contribution

  • We encourage users to ask questions and get support via StackOverflow, make sure to add the siddhi tag to the issue for better response.

  • If you find any issues related to the extension please report them on the issue tracker.

  • For production support and other contribution related information refer Siddhi Community documentation.