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API Docs - v1.0.10


http (Sink)

This extension publish the HTTP events in any HTTP method POST, GET, PUT, DELETE via HTTP or https protocols. As the additional features this component can provide basic authentication as well as user can publish events using custom client truststore files when publishing events via https protocol. And also user can add any number of headers including HTTP_METHOD header for each event dynamically.


@sink(type="http", publisher.url="<STRING>", basic.auth.username="<STRING>", basic.auth.password="<STRING>", https.truststore.file="<STRING>", https.truststore.password="<STRING>", headers="<STRING>", method="<STRING>", socket.idle.timeout="<INT>", chunk.disabled="<BOOL>", ssl.protocol="<STRING>", parameters="<STRING>", ciphers="<STRING>", ssl.enabled.protocols="<STRING>", client.enable.session.creation="<STRING>", follow.redirect="<BOOL>", max.redirect.count="<INT>","<STRING>","<STRING>", proxy.port="<STRING>", proxy.username="<STRING>", proxy.password="<STRING>", client.bootstrap.configuration="<STRING>", client.bootstrap.nodelay="<BOOL>", client.bootstrap.keepalive="<BOOL>", client.bootstrap.sendbuffersize="<INT>", client.bootstrap.recievebuffersize="<INT>", client.bootstrap.connect.timeout="<INT>", client.bootstrap.socket.reuse="<BOOL>", client.bootstrap.socket.timeout="<STRING>", client.threadpool.configurations="<STRING>", client.connection.pool.count="<INT>","<INT>", client.min.idle.connections.per.pool="<INT>", client.max.idle.connections.per.pool="<INT>", client.min.eviction.idle.time="<STRING>", sender.thread.count="<STRING>","<STRING>", max.wait.for.client.connection.pool="<STRING>", @map(...)))


Name Description Default Value Possible Data Types Optional Dynamic
publisher.url The URL to which the outgoing events should be published via HTTP. This is a mandatory parameter and if this is not specified, an error is logged in the CLI. If user wants to enable SSL for the events, use https instead of http in the publisher.url.e.g., http://localhost:8080/endpoint, https://localhost:8080/endpoint STRING No No
basic.auth.username The username to be included in the authentication header of the basic authentication enabled events. It is required to specify both username and password to enable basic authentication. If one of the parameter is not given by user then an error is logged in the CLI. STRING Yes No
basic.auth.password The password to include in the authentication header of the basic authentication enabled events. It is required to specify both username and password to enable basic authentication. If one of the parameter is not given by user then an error is logged in the CLI. STRING Yes No
https.truststore.file The file path to the location of the truststore of the client that sends the HTTP events through 'https' protocol. A custom client-truststore can be specified if required. ${carbon.home}/resources/security/client-truststore.jks STRING Yes No
https.truststore.password The password for the client-truststore. A custom password can be specified if required. If no custom password is specified and the protocol of URL is 'https' then, the system uses default password. wso2carbon STRING Yes No
headers The headers that should be included as a HTTP request headers. There can be any number of headers concatenated on following format. header1:value1#header2:value2. User can include content-type header if he need to any specific type for payload if not system get the mapping type as the content-Type header (ie. @map(xml):application/xml,@map(json):application/json,@map(text):plain/text ) and if user does not include any mapping type then system gets the 'plain/text' as default Content-Type header. If user does not include Content-Length header then system calculate the bytes size of payload and include it as content-length header. STRING Yes No
method For HTTP events, HTTP_METHOD header should be included as a request header. If the parameter is null then system uses 'POST' as a default header. POST STRING Yes No
socket.idle.timeout Socket timeout value in millisecond 6000 INT Yes No
chunk.disabled port: Port number of the remote service false BOOL Yes No
ssl.protocol The SSL protocol version TLS STRING Yes No
parameters Parameters other than basics such as ciphers,sslEnabledProtocols,client.enable.session.creation. Expected format of these parameters is as follows: "'ciphers:xxx','sslEnabledProtocols,client.enable:xxx'" null STRING Yes No
ciphers List of ciphers to be used. This parameter should include under parameters Ex: 'ciphers:TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256' null STRING Yes No
ssl.enabled.protocols SSL/TLS protocols to be enabled. This parameter should be in camel case format(sslEnabledProtocols) under parameters. Ex 'sslEnabledProtocols:true' null STRING Yes No
client.enable.session.creation Enable HTTP session creation.This parameter should include under parameters Ex: 'client.enable.session.creation:true' null STRING Yes No
follow.redirect Redirect related enabled. true BOOL Yes No
max.redirect.count Maximum redirect count. 5 INT Yes No TLS store type to be used. JKS STRING Yes No Proxy server host null STRING Yes No
proxy.port Proxy server port null STRING Yes No
proxy.username Proxy server username null STRING Yes No
proxy.password Proxy server password null STRING Yes No
client.bootstrap.configuration Client bootsrap configurations. Expected format of these parameters is as follows: "'client.bootstrap.nodelay:xxx','client.bootstrap.keepalive:xxx'" TODO STRING Yes No
client.bootstrap.nodelay Http client no delay. true BOOL Yes No
client.bootstrap.keepalive Http client keep alive. true BOOL Yes No
client.bootstrap.sendbuffersize Http client send buffer size. 1048576 INT Yes No
client.bootstrap.recievebuffersize Http client receive buffer size. 1048576 INT Yes No
client.bootstrap.connect.timeout Http client connection timeout. 15000 INT Yes No
client.bootstrap.socket.reuse To enable http socket reuse. false BOOL Yes No
client.bootstrap.socket.timeout Http client socket timeout. 15 STRING Yes No
client.threadpool.configurations Thread pool configuration. Expected format of these parameters is as follows: "'client.connection.pool.count:xxx',''" TODO STRING Yes No
client.connection.pool.count Connection pool count. 0 INT Yes No Active connections per pool. -1 INT Yes No
client.min.idle.connections.per.pool Minimum ideal connection per pool. 0 INT Yes No
client.max.idle.connections.per.pool Maximum ideal connection per pool. 100 INT Yes No
client.min.eviction.idle.time Minimum eviction idle time. 5 * 60 * 1000 STRING Yes No
sender.thread.count Http sender thread count. 20 STRING Yes No Event group executor thread size. 15 STRING Yes No
max.wait.for.client.connection.pool Maximum wait for client connection pool. 60000 STRING Yes No

System Parameters

Name Description Default Value Possible Parameters
clientBootstrapBossGroupSize property to configure number of boss threads, which accepts incoming connections until the ports are unbound. Once connection accepts successfully, boss thread passes the accepted channel to one of the worker threads. 4 Any integer
clientBootstrapWorkerGroupSize property to configure number of worker threads, which performs non blocking read and write for one or more channels in non-blocking mode. 8 Any integer
trustStoreLocation The default truststore file path. ${carbon.home}/resources/security/client-truststore.jks Path to client-truststore.jks
trustStorePassword The default truststore password. wso2carbon Truststore password

Examples EXAMPLE 1

@sink(type='http',publisher.url='http://localhost:8009/foo', method='{{method}}',headers='{{headers}}',client.bootstrap.configuration="'client.bootstrap.socket.timeout:20',''",client.pool.configuration="'client.connection.pool.count:10',''" @map(type='xml' , @payload('{{payloadBody}}')))define stream FooStream (payloadBody String, method string, headers string);

If it is xml mapping expected input should be in following format for FooStream:{<events> <event> <symbol>WSO2</symbol> <price>55.6</price> <volume>100</volume> </event></events>,POST,Content-Length:24#Content-Location:USA#Retry-After:120}Above event will generate output as below.~Output http event payload<events>
~Output http event headersContent-Length:24,Content-Location:'USA',Retry-After:120,Content-Type:'application/xml',HTTP_METHOD:'POST',~Output http event propertiesHTTP_METHOD:'POST',HOST:'localhost',PORT:8009PROTOCOL:'http'TO:'/foo'


http (Source)

The HTTP source receives POST requests via HTTP or HTTPS in format such as text, XML and JSON. If required, you can enable basic authentication to ensure that events are received only from users who are authorized to access the service.


@source(type="http", receiver.url="<STRING>", basic.auth.enabled="<STRING>", worker.count="<STRING>", socket.idle.timeout="<INT>", ssl.verify.client="<STRING>", ssl.protocol="<STRING>","<STRING>", parameters="<STRING>", ciphers="<STRING>", ssl.enabled.protocols="<STRING>", server.enable.session.creation="<STRING>", server.supported.snimatchers="<STRING>", server.suported.server.names="<STRING>", request.size.validation.configuration="<STRING>", request.size.validation="<STRING>", request.size.validation.maximum.value="<STRING>", request.size.validation.reject.status.code="<STRING>", request.size.validation.reject.message="<STRING>", request.size.validation.reject.message.content.type="<STRING>", header.size.validation="<STRING>", header.validation.maximum.request.line="<STRING>", header.validation.maximum.size="<STRING>", header.validation.maximum.chunk.size="<STRING>", header.validation.reject.status.code="<STRING>", header.validation.reject.message="<STRING>", header.validation.reject.message.content.type="<STRING>", server.bootstrap.configuration="<OBJECT>", server.bootstrap.nodelay="<BOOL>", server.bootstrap.keepalive="<BOOL>", server.bootstrap.sendbuffersize="<INT>", server.bootstrap.recievebuffersize="<INT>", server.bootstrap.connect.timeout="<INT>", server.bootstrap.socket.reuse="<BOOL>", server.bootstrap.socket.timeout="<BOOL>", server.bootstrap.socket.backlog="<BOOL>", trace.log.enabled="<BOOL>", @map(...)))


Name Description Default Value Possible Data Types Optional Dynamic
receiver.url The URL to which the events should be received. User can provide any valid url and if the url is not provided the system will use the following format<appNAme>/<streamName>If the user want to use SSL the url should be given in following format https://localhost:8080/<streamName> STRING Yes No
basic.auth.enabled If this is set to true, basic authentication is enabled for incoming events, and the credentials with which each event is sent are verified to ensure that the user is authorized to access the service. If basic authentication fails, the event is not authenticated and an authentication error is logged in the CLI. By default this values 'false' false STRING Yes No
worker.count The number of active worker threads to serve the incoming events. The value is 1 by default. This will ensure that the events are directed to the event stream in the same order in which they arrive. By increasing this value the performance might increase at the cost of loosing event ordering. 1 STRING Yes No
socket.idle.timeout Idle timeout for HTTP connection. 120000 INT Yes No
ssl.verify.client The type of client certificate verification. null STRING Yes No
ssl.protocol ssl/tls related options TLS STRING Yes No TLS store type. JKS STRING Yes No
parameters Parameters other than basics such as ciphers,sslEnabledProtocols,client.enable.session.creation. Expected format of these parameters is as follows: "'ciphers:xxx','sslEnabledProtocols,client.enable:xxx'" null STRING Yes No
ciphers List of ciphers to be used. This parameter should include under parameters Ex: 'ciphers:TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256' null STRING Yes No
ssl.enabled.protocols SSL/TLS protocols to be enabled. This parameter should be in camel case format(sslEnabledProtocols) under parameters. Ex 'sslEnabledProtocols:true' null STRING Yes No
server.enable.session.creation Enable HTTP session creation.This parameter should include under parameters Ex: 'client.enable.session.creation:true' null STRING Yes No
server.supported.snimatchers Http SNIMatcher to be added. This parameter should include under parameters Ex: 'server.supported.snimatchers:SNIMatcher' null STRING Yes No
server.suported.server.names Http supported servers. This parameter should include under parameters Ex: 'server.suported.server.names:server' null STRING Yes No
request.size.validation.configuration Parameters that responsible for validating the http request and request headers. Expected format of these parameters is as follows: "'request.size.validation:xxx','request.size.validation.maximum.value:xxx'" null STRING Yes No
request.size.validation To enable the request size validation. false STRING Yes No
request.size.validation.maximum.value If request size is validated then maximum size. Integer.MAX_VALUE STRING Yes No
request.size.validation.reject.status.code If request is exceed maximum size and request.size.validation is enabled then status code to be send as response. 401 STRING Yes No
request.size.validation.reject.message If request is exceed maximum size and request.size.validation is enabled then status message to be send as response. Message is bigger than the valid size STRING Yes No
request.size.validation.reject.message.content.type If request is exceed maximum size and request.size.validation is enabled then content type to be send as response. plain/text STRING Yes No
header.size.validation To enable the header size validation. false STRING Yes No
header.validation.maximum.request.line If header header validation is enabled then the maximum request line. 4096 STRING Yes No
header.validation.maximum.size If header header validation is enabled then the maximum expected header size. 8192 STRING Yes No
header.validation.maximum.chunk.size If header header validation is enabled then the maximum expected chunk size. 8192 STRING Yes No
header.validation.reject.status.code 401 If header is exceed maximum size and header.size.validation is enabled then status code to be send as response. STRING Yes No
header.validation.reject.message If header is exceed maximum size and header.size.validation is enabled then message to be send as response. Message header is bigger than the valid size STRING Yes No
header.validation.reject.message.content.type If header is exceed maximum size and header.size.validation is enabled then content type to be send as response. plain/text STRING Yes No
server.bootstrap.configuration Parameters that for bootstrap configurations of the server. Expected format of these parameters is as follows: "'ciphers:xxx','sslEnabledProtocols,client.enable:xxx'" null OBJECT Yes No
server.bootstrap.nodelay Http server no delay. true BOOL Yes No
server.bootstrap.keepalive Http server keep alive. true BOOL Yes No
server.bootstrap.sendbuffersize Http server send buffer size. 1048576 INT Yes No
server.bootstrap.recievebuffersize Http server receive buffer size. 1048576 INT Yes No
server.bootstrap.connect.timeout Http server connection timeout. 15000 INT Yes No
server.bootstrap.socket.reuse To enable http socket reuse. false BOOL Yes No
server.bootstrap.socket.timeout Http server socket timeout. 15 BOOL Yes No
server.bootstrap.socket.backlog THttp server socket backlog. 100 BOOL Yes No
trace.log.enabled Http traffic monitoring. false BOOL Yes No

System Parameters

Name Description Default Value Possible Parameters
serverBootstrapBossGroupSize property to configure number of boss threads, which accepts incoming connections until the ports are unbound. Once connection accepts successfully, boss thread passes the accepted channel to one of the worker threads. 4 Any integer
serverBootstrapWorkerGroupSize property to configure number of worker threads, which performs non blocking read and write for one or more channels in non-blocking mode. 8 Any integer
defaultHost The default host of the transport. Any valid host
defaultHttpPort The default port if the default scheme is 'http'. 8280 Any valid port
defaultHttpsPort The default port if the default scheme is 'https'. 8243 Any valid port
defaultScheme The default protocol. http http
keyStoreLocation The default keystore file path. ${carbon.home}/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks Path to wso2carbon.jks file
keyStorePassword The default keystore password. wso2carbon String of keystore password
certPassword The default cert password. wso2carbon String of cert password

Examples EXAMPLE 1

@source(type='http', receiver.url='http://localhost:9055/endpoints/RecPro', socketIdleTimeout='150000', parameters="'ciphers : TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256', 'sslEnabledProtocols:TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2'",request.size.validation.configuration="request.size.validation:true",server.bootstrap.configuration="server.bootstrap.socket.timeout:25" @map(type='xml'))
define stream FooStream (symbol string, price float, volume long);

Above source listenerConfiguration performs a default XML input mapping. The expected input is as follows:<events>
If basic authentication is enabled via the basic.auth.enabled='true setting, each input event is also expected to contain the Authorization:'Basic encodeBase64(username:Password)' header.