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API Docs - v1.0.1


nats (Sink)

NATS Sink allows users to subscribe to a NATS broker and publish messages.


@sink(type="nats", destination="<STRING>", bootstrap.servers="<STRING>","<STRING>","<STRING>", @map(...)))


Name Description Default Value Possible Data Types Optional Dynamic
destination Subject name which NATS sink should publish to. STRING No Yes
bootstrap.servers The NATS based url of the NATS server. nats://localhost:4222 STRING Yes No The identifier of the client publishing/connecting to the NATS broker. Should be unique for each client connecting to the server/cluster. None STRING Yes No The identifier of the NATS server/cluster. test-cluster STRING Yes No

Examples EXAMPLE 1

@sink(type='nats', @map(type='xml'), destination='SP_NATS_OUTPUT_TEST', bootstrap.servers='nats://localhost:4222','nats_client','test-cluster')
define stream outputStream (name string, age int, country string);

This example shows how to publish to a NATS subject with all supporting configurations. With the following configuration the sink identified as 'nats-client' will publish to a subject named as 'SP_NATS_OUTPUT_TEST' which resides in a nats instance with a cluster id of 'test-cluster', running in localhost and listening to the port 4222 for client connection.


@sink(type='nats', @map(type='xml'), destination='SP_NATS_OUTPUT_TEST')
define stream outputStream (name string, age int, country string);

This example shows how to publish to a NATS subject with mandatory configurations. With the following configuration the sink identified with an auto generated client id will publish to a subject named as 'SP_NATS_OUTPUT_TEST' which resides in a nats instance with a cluster id of 'test-cluster', running in localhost and listening to the port 4222 for client connection.


nats (Source)

NATS Source allows users to subscribe to a NATS broker and receive messages. It has the ability to receive all the message types supported by NATS.


@source(type="nats", destination="<STRING>", bootstrap.servers="<STRING>","<STRING>","<STRING>","<STRING>","<STRING>", subscription.sequence="<STRING>", @map(...)))


Name Description Default Value Possible Data Types Optional Dynamic
destination Subject name which NATS Source should subscribe to. STRING No No
bootstrap.servers The NATS based url of the NATS server. nats://localhost:4222 STRING Yes No The identifier of the client subscribing/connecting to the NATS broker. None STRING Yes No The identifier of the NATS server/cluster. test-cluster STRING Yes No This can be used when there is a requirement to share the load of a NATS subject. Clients belongs to the same queue group share the subscription load. None STRING Yes No This can be used to subscribe to a subject from the last acknowledged message when a client or connection failure happens. The client can be uniquely identified using the tuple (, None STRING Yes No
subscription.sequence This can be used to subscribe to a subject from a given number of message sequence. All the messages from the given point of sequence number will be passed to the client. If not provided then the either the persisted value or 0 will be used. None STRING Yes No

Examples EXAMPLE 1

@source(type='nats', @map(type='text'), destination='SP_NATS_INPUT_TEST', bootstrap.servers='nats://localhost:4222','nats_client','test-cluster', = 'group_nats', = 'nats-durable',subscription.sequence = '100')
define stream inputStream (name string, age int, country string);

This example shows how to subscribe to a NATS subject with all supporting configurations.With the following configuration the source identified as 'nats-client' will subscribes to a subject named as 'SP_NATS_INPUT_TEST' which resides in a nats instance with a cluster id of 'test-cluster', running in localhost and listening to the port 4222 for client connection. This subscription will receive all the messages from 100th in the subject.


@source(type='nats', @map(type='text'), destination='SP_NATS_INPUT_TEST', )
define stream inputStream (name string, age int, country string);

This example shows how to subscribe to a NATS subject with mandatory configurations.With the following configuration the source identified with an auto generated client id will subscribes to a subject named as 'SP_NATS_INTPUT_TEST' which resides in a nats instance with a cluster id of 'test-cluster', running in localhost and listening to the port 4222 for client connection. This will receive all available messages in the subject