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API Docs - v1.0.5


sqs (Sink)

SQS sink allows users to connect and publish messages to an AWS SQS Queue. It has the ability to only publish Text messages


@sink(type="sqs", queue="<STRING>", access.key="<STRING>", secret.key="<STRING>", region="<STRING>","<STRING>","<STRING>", delay.interval="<INT>", @map(...)))


Name Description Default Value Possible Data Types Optional Dynamic
queue Queue url which SQS Sink should connect to STRING No No
access.key Access Key for the Amazon Web Services. (This is a mandatory field and should be provided either in the deployment.yml or in the sink definition itself) none STRING Yes No
secret.key Secret Key of the Amazon User. (This is a mandatory field and should be provided either in the deployment.yml or in the sink definition itself) none STRING Yes No
region Amazon Web Service Region STRING No No ID of the group that the message belong to(only applicable for FIFO Queues) null STRING Yes Yes ID by which a FIFO queue identifies the duplication in the queue(only applicable for FIFO queues) null STRING Yes Yes
delay.interval Time in seconds for how long the message remain in the queue until it is available for the consumers to consume. -1 INT Yes No

Examples EXAMPLE 1

@sink(type='sqs',queue='<queue_url>',access.key='<aws_access_key>',secret.key='<aws_secret_key>',region='<region>',delay.interval='5','{{deduplicationID}}','charuka',@map(type='xml') )define stream outStream(symbol string, deduplicationID string);

Following Example shows how to define a SQS sink to publish messages to the service


sqs (Source)

SQS source allows users to connect and consume messages from a AWS SQS Queue. It has the ability to receive Text messages


@source(type="sqs", queue="<STRING>", access.key="<STRING>", secret.key="<STRING>", region="<STRING>", polling.interval="<INT>", wait.time="<INT>", max.number.of.messages="<INT>", visibility.timeout="<INT>", delete.messages="<BOOL>", delete.retry.interval="<INT>", max.number.of.delete.retry.attempts="<INT>", number.of.parallel.consumers="<INT>", @map(...)))


Name Description Default Value Possible Data Types Optional Dynamic
queue Queue name which SQS Source should subscribe to STRING No No
access.key Access Key for the Amazon Web Services. (This is a mandatory field and should be provided either in the deployment.yml or in the source definition itself) null STRING Yes No
secret.key Secret Key of the Amazon User. (This is a mandatory field and should be provided either in the deployment.yml or in the source definition itself) null STRING Yes No
region Amazon Web Service Region STRING No No
polling.interval Interval (in milliseconds) between two message retrieval operations INT No No
wait.time Maximum amount (in seconds) that a polling call will wait for a message to become available in the queue -1 INT Yes No
max.number.of.messages Maximum number of messages retrieved from the queue per polling call (Actual maybe smaller than this even if there's more messages in the queue) 1 INT No No
visibility.timeout The length of time (in seconds) for which a message received from a queue will be invisible to other consumers(only applicable if consumer doesn't purge the received messages from the queue). -1 INT Yes No
delete.messages Should the message be deleted from the queue after consuming it. delete.messages BOOL Yes No
delete.retry.interval Time interval (in milliseconds) consumer should retry to delete a message in the case of failure during a message delete operation. 5000 INT Yes No
max.number.of.delete.retry.attempts Maximum number retry attempts to be performed in case of a failure. 10 INT Yes No
number.of.parallel.consumers Size of the thread pool that should be used for polling. 1 INT No No

Examples EXAMPLE 1

@source(type='sqs',queue='<queue url>',access.key='<access_key>',secret.key='<secret_key>',region='us-east-2',polling.interval='5000',max.number.of.messages='10',number.of.parallel.consumers='1',purge.messages='true',wait.time='2',visibility.timeout='30',delete.retry.interval='1000',max.number.of.delete.retry.attempts='10',@map(type='xml',enclosing.element="//events",@attributes(symbol='symbol', message_id='trp:MESSAGE_ID') ))define stream inStream (symbol string, message_id string);

Following Example shows how to define a SQS source to receive messages from the service